User talk:Whobot

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you are reading this page because you found a category tagged for deletion (e.g. with {{cfd}} or {{cfr}}) or an article was recently moved to a new category by this bot, please be aware that it is only doing so in a conjunction with a nomination which has been posted to Wikipedia:Categories for deletion by a human. It may be difficult to find the nomination page, because it is very long and very active, but it should be there somewhere. Be aware that it may be part of an "umbrella" nomination (and thus your specific category might not be listed) or have been moved to a subpage (which is done when discussion are resolved.) See the section Discussions moved off-page and Archived debates. Feel free to leave a note here or on Wikipedia talk:Categories for deletion if you still can't find the original nomination.

Whobot is a bot owned and operated by User:Who. This is the right place to post complaints and compliments about the bot, though you may want to mention on User talk:Who that you posted here, to more quickly get the owner's attention.

Header borrowed from User talk:Pearle

Archived discussions

[edit] Discussions