Category:Articles with invalid ISBNs
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a maintenance category of articles with invalid ISBNs. It is often included by means to the template {{invalid isbn}}. If you fix an ISBN please remove the template or category from the article. Many article/ISBN problems are listed at Wikipedia:List of pages with Invalid ISBNs
[edit] Reasons for invalid ISBNs
The main reasons for invalid ISBNs are -
- not enough digits (could be a 9 digit SBN - but be careful could be another reason)
- invalid checksum
Also possible are
- Invalid country code / publisher code (see the International ISBN Agency website)
- invalid characters (,. etc)
- too long (but could be ISBN13)
- other...
ISBNs should not be listed because of
- incorrect hyphenation
- spaces instead of hyphens
These errors should simply be fixed.
The ISBN may have been incorrectly labelled invalid, but we have found several examples where the publisher has put an invalid number on the book (see talk page for example).
Note that just because a number has not been identified as invalid, it doesn't mean it corresponds to the book in question, or indeed any book.
[edit] ISBNs starting with 978
These should come into use midnight 31 December 2006.
[edit] Hints for identifying which ISBN out of several is invalid
Either the template {{invalid isbn|xxxxxx}} may be next to the ISBN, the ISBN may be unhyphenated, or you can look at this list Wikipedia:List of pages with Invalid ISBNs. Otherwise you're on your own :) (You can ask me if you like).
(previous 200) (next 200)
Pages in category "Articles with invalid ISBNs"
There are 200 pages in this section of this category.