Latinski jezik
Sa Wikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije
Latinski je indoevropski jezik, prvobitno govoren u oblasti oko Rima, zvanoj Latium. Veliku je važnost zadobio kao formalni jezik Antičkog Rima. Svi romanski jezici, među kojima naročito španski, francuski, portugalski, italijanski i rumunski, potekli su od latinskog, dok se mnoge riječi koje se zasnivaju na latinskom mogu naći i u drugim modernim jezicima poput engleskog. Latinski alfabet, koji je izveden iz grčkog alfabeta, još uvijek je najšire korišćeni alfabet u svijetu. Smatra se da je 80 odsto naučnih engleskih izraza izvedeno iz latinskog (u velikoj mjeri putem francuskog). Pored toga, u Zapadnom svijetu je latinski jezik služio preko hiljadu godina kao lingua franca, tj. učeni jezik nauke i politike, da bi ga napokon u 18. vijeku zamijenio francuski, a krajem 19. vijeka engleski. Crkveni latinski je i dalje jezik rimokatoličke crkve, pa prema tome i zvanični jezik Vatikana.
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[izmijeni] Bibliografija
- Bennett, Charles E. Latin Grammar (Allyn and Bacon, Chicago, 1908)
- N. Vincent: "Latin", in The Romance Languages, M. Harris and N. Vincent, eds., (Oxford Univ. Press. 1990), ISBN 0195208293
- Waquet, Françoise, Latin, or the Empire of a Sign: From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Centuries (Verso, 2003) ISBN 1859844022; translated from the French by John Howe.
- Wheelock, Frederic. Latin: An Introduction (Collins, 6th ed., 2005) ISBN 0060784237
[izmijeni] Vanjski linkovi
- Latin Phrases for after dinner conversation (Thanks to Elaine Poole)
- Ethnologue report for Latin
- Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum is a comprehensive webography of Latin texts and their translations.
- The Perseus Project has many useful pages for the study of classical languages and literatures, including an interactive Latin dictionary.
- words by William whitaker is a dictionary program online capable of looking up various word forms.
- Retiarius.Org includes a Latin text search engine.
- Latin-English dictionary and Latin grammar from U of Notre Dame
- Latin language History of Latin language, Latin texts with English translation and a collection of dictionaries.
- Societas Circulorum Latinorum gathers together Latin Circles all over the world.
- - Free online course in Latin
- - Lets Latin learners test their grammar and vocabulary with self-checking quizzes.
- The Latin Library contains many Latin etexts
- Textkit has Latin textbooks and etexts.
- Latin–English Dictionary: from Webster's Rosetta Edition.
- Language reference Cross-foreign-language lexicon powered by its own search engine. All cross combinations between Latin and French, German, Italian, Spanish.
- Rhetor by Gabriel Harvey was originally published in 1577 and never again reprinted.
- omniamundamundis Latin hypertexts from fourteen ancient Roman authors.
- Pronunciation of Biological Latin, Including Taxonomic Names of Plants and Animals
- Nuntii Latini (News in Latin), written and spoken (RealAudio) news in latin. Weekly review of world news in Classical Latin, the only international broadcast of its kind in the world, produced by YLE, the Finnish Broadcasting Company.
- InterTran Latin, Translate from Latin to ENGLISH or vice versa.
- Latin Vulgate The Latin and English of the Old & New Testaments in parallel, along with the Complete Sayings of Jesus in parallel Latin and English.