École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
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École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) İsviçre'nin Lozan şehrinde bulunan federal teknik üniversitenin ismidir. EPFL Avrupa'nın merkezindedir ve Avrupa'nın önder bilim ve teknoloji müesseselerinden biridir.
Üniversite İsviçre federal hükumeti tarafından kurulmuştur. Misyonu bundan ibarettir:
- mühendis ve bilim adamları yetiştirmek
- bilim ve teknolojide ulusal bir mükemmellik merkezi (center of excellence) olmak
- bilim adamların ve sanayi için bir buluşma noktası olmak
EPFL'e denk bir müessese de İsviçre'nin almanca konuşulan bölgesindeki Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich' tir (ETH Zürich veya ETHZ).
[değiştir] Organizasyon
EPFL yedi okullara ayrılmıştır:
- SB (Sciences de base – Basic Sciences) mathematics, physics and chemistry
- Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing (IACS, Jacques Rappaz)
- Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering (ISIC, Hubert Girault)
- Institute of Mathematics (IMA, Stephan Morgenthaler)
- Institute of Geometry, Algebra and Topology (IGAT, Jacques Thévenaz)
- Institute of Physics of Energy and Particles (IPEP, Minh Quang Tran)
- Institute of Complex Matter Physics (IPMC, László Forró)
- Institute of the Physics of Nanostructures (IPN, Jean-Philippe Ansermet)
- Institute of Quantum Electronics and Photonics (IPEQ, Benoît Deveaud-Plédran)
- Institute of Theoretical Physics (ITP, Alfonso Baldereschi)
- Institute of Computational Condensed Matter Physics (IRRMA, Alfonso Baldereschi)
- Institute of Mathematics B (IMB, Eva Bayer Fluckiger)
- Interdisciplinary Center for Electron Microscopy (CIME, Philippe Buffat)
- Center for Research In Plasma Physics (CRPP, Minh Quang Tran)
- PRN Quantum Photonics (PRN-QP, Benoît Deveaud-Plédran)
- Bernoulli Center (CIB, Tudor Ratiu)
- STI (Sciences et techniques de l'ingénieur – Engineering Sciences and Techniques) Mechanical engineering, Microengineering, Materials Science and Engineering
- Institute of Energy Sciences (ISE, Daniel Favrat)
- Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IGBM, Nikolaos Stergiopulos)
- Institute of Systems Engineering (I2S, Dario Floreano)
- Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM, Mihai Adrian Ionescu)
- Institute of Materials (IMX, Karen Scrivener)
- Institute of Imaging and Applied Optics (IOA, René Salathé)
- Institute of Manufacturing Systems and Robotics (IPR, Jacques Jacot)
- Institute of Transmissions, Waves and Photonics (ITOP, Juan Ramon Mosig)
- Institute of Signal Processing (ITS, Murat Kunt)
- Center of MicroNanoTechnology (CMI, Philippe Renaud)
- Space Center (CTS, Roland Siegwart)
- ENAC (Environnement naturel, architectural et construit – Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering) architecture, civil engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering (agronomy)
- Institute of Architecture (IA, Claude Morel)
- Structural Engineering Institute (IS, Ian Smith)
- Institute of Urban and Regional Planning & Design (INTER, François Golay)
- Institute of Infrastructures, Resources and Environment (ICARE, Jean-Louis Scartezzini)
- Environmental Sciences and Technologies Institute (ISTE, Marc Parlange)
- I&C (Informatique et communications – Computer and Communication Sciences) computer science and telecommunications
- Institute of Core Computing Science (IIF)
- Distributed Information Systems Laboratory (LSIR, Karl Aberer)
- Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (LIA, Boi Faltings)
- Distributed Programming Laboratory (LPD, Rachid Guerraoui)
- Programming Methods Laboratory 1 (LAMP1, Martin Odersky)
- Distributed Systems Laboratory (LSR, André Schiper)
- Algorithmics Laboratory (ALGO, Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi)
- Database Laboratory (LBD, Stefano Spaccapietra)
- Systemic Modeling Laboratory (LAMS, Alain Wegmann)
- Operating Systems Laboratory (LABOS, Willy Zwaenepoel)
- Models and Theory of Computation Laboratory (MTC, Thomas Henzinger)
- Laboratory of Theory and Applications of Algorithms (LTAA, Monika Henzinger)
- Institute of Computing and Multimedia Systems (ISIM)
- Computational Neuroscience Laboratory (LCN, Wulfram Gerstner)
- Peripheral Systems Laboratory (LSP, Roger Hersch)
- Processor Architecture Laboratory (LAP, Paolo Ienne)
- Computer Networking Laboratory (LTI, Claude Petitpierre)
- Virtual Reality Laboratory (VRLAB, Daniel Thalmann)
- Computer Vision Laboratory (CVLAB, Pascal Fua)
- Integrated Systems Laboratory (LSI1, Giovanni De Micheli)
- Institute of Communication Systems (ISC)
- Nonlinear Systems Laboratory (LANOS, Martin Hasler)
- Swarm Intelligent Systems Research Group (SWIS, Alcherio Martinoli)
- Computer Communications and Applications Laboratory 1 (LCA1, Jean-Pierre Hubaux)
- Computer Communications and Applications Laboratory 2 (LCA2, Jean-Yves Le Boudec)
- Computer Communications and Applications Laboratory 3 (LCA3, Patrick Thiran)
- Computer Communications and Applications Laboratory 4 (LCA4, Matthias Grossglauser)
- Mobile Communications Laboratory (LCM, Bixio Rimoldi)
- Audiovisual Communications Laboratory 1 (LCAV1, Martin Vetterli)
- Information Theory Laboratory (LTHI, Emre Telatar)
- Communication Theories Laboratory (LTHC, Rüdiger Urbanke)
- Security and Cryptography Laboratory (LASEC, Serge Vaudenay)
- Information and Communication Systems Laboratory (LICOS, Suhas Diggavi)
- Nonlinear Systems Laboratory (LANOS, Martin Hasler)
- Center of Mobile Information and Communication Systems (MICS, Karl Aberer)
- Center for Advanced Digital Systems (CSDA, Paolo Ienne)
- Center for Neural Information Processing (CTIN, Wulfram Gerstner)
- Center for Global Computing (CGC, Martin Rajman)
- Institute of Core Computing Science (IIF)
- SV (Sciences de la vie – Life Sciences) life sciences
- Brain Mind Institute (BMI, Pierre Magistretti)
- Integrative Bioscience Institute (IBI, Alan Hubbell Jeffrey)
- Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC, Michel Aguet)
- Center for Neuroscience and Technology (CNT, Henry Markram)
- Center for the Study of Living Systems (CAV, Marcel Gyger)
- CDM (Collège du Management de la Technologie et Entrepreneuriat – College of Management of Technology)
- Program of Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship (CDM-PMTE, Christopher Tucci)
- Institute of Logistics, Economy and Management of Technology (ILEMT, Dominique Foray)
- Management of Technology EPFL - UNIL (CMT, Francis-Luc Perret)
- CdH (Collège des humanités – Sociology and humanities)
- Human and social sciences teaching program (CDH-SHS, Eric Junod)