Norman Rockwell
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Norman Rockwell foi um pintor e ilustrador norte-americano.
[editar] Principais obras
- Scout at Ship's Wheel (1913)
- Santa and Scouts in Snow (1913)
- Boy and Baby Carriage (1916)
- Circus Barker and Strongman (1916)
- Gramps at the Plate (1916)
- Redhead Loves Hatty Perkins (1916)
- People in a Theatre Balcony (1916)
- Cousin Reginald Goes to the Country (1917)
- Santa and Expense Book (1920)
- Mother Tucking Children into Bed (1921)
- No Swimming (1921)
- The Four Freedoms (1943)
- Freedom of Speech (1943)
- Freedom to Worship (1943)
- Freedom from Want (1943)
- Freedom from Fear (1943)
- Rosie the Riveter (1943)
- Going and Coming (1947)
- Bottom of the Sixth (1949)
- Saying Grace (1951)
- Girl at Mirror (1954)
- Breaking Home Ties (1954)
- The Marriage License (1955)
- The Scoutmaster (1956)[20]
- Triple Self-Portrait (1960)
- Golden Rule (1961)
- The Problem We All Live With (1964)
- New Kids in the Neighborhood (1967)
- The Rookie
- Judy Garland (1969)
- Regra de ouro