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Il viso o faccia è la parte frontale della testa, che negli umani parte dalla fronte e arriva al mento e include i capelli, la fronte, le sopracciglia, gli occhi, il naso, le guance, la bocca, le labbra, i denti, la pelle e il mento. Il viso è il mezzo attraverso il quale si esprimono le espressioni facciali, apparenza e identità, nonché fonte di attrazione.
Indice |
[modifica] Mezzo di riconoscimento
Il viso è cosiderato la caratteristica peculiare di ogni persona, che ne permette il riconoscimento; la sua rappresentazione è infatti usata nei documenti di identità ed è, nel caso di personalità famose o eroiche, il primo elemento di distinzione. Anche nelle caricature il viso di una persona è l'elemento che più si presta a esagerazioni emblematiche di un determinato carattere.
[modifica] Anatomia
On the front of the facepiece a line drawn down from the supraorbital notch between the bicuspid teeth to the side of the chin will cut the exit of the second division of the fifth nerve from the infraorbital foramen, a quarter of an inch below the infraorbital margin, and also the exit of the third division of the fifth at the mental foramen, midway between the upper and lower margins of the body of the jaw. In practice it will be found that the angle of the mouth at rest usually corresponds to the interval between the bicuspid teeth.
The Anatomy of the face has also been described in a more Geometric sense by some, in fitting with Vitruvian descriptions of the body, or with the Golden Ratio. These arguments have been used by some as forms of the proof of a God, or natural creator, maintaining that nothing this mathematically advanced could appear without being designed.
[modifica] Occhi
La pelle delle palpebre è molto sottile, and is separated from the subjacent fibrous tarsal plates by the orbicularis palpebrarum muscle. On the lids, the delicate conjunctival membrane is seen, between this and the tarsal plates lie the meibomian glands, which can be faintly seen as yellowish streaks. From the free edges of the eyelids come the eyelashes, between which many large sweat- glands open, and when one of these is inflamed it causes a stye. Internally the two eyelids form a little recess called the internal canthus, occupied by a small red eminence, the caruncula lachrymalis, just external to which a small vertical fold of conjunctiva may often be seen, called the plica semilunaris, representing the third eyelid of birds and many mammals. By gently drawing down the lower eyelid the lower punctum may be seen close to the caruncula; it is the pinhole opening into the lower of the two canaliculi which carry away the tears to the lachrymal sac and duct.
[modifica] Mascella
On the side of the face the facial artery may be felt pulsating about an inch in front of the angle of the jaw; it runs a tortuous course to near the angle of the mouth, the angle of the nose and the inner angle of the eye; in the greater part of its course its vein lies some distance behind it. The parotid gland lies between the ramus of the jaw and the mastoid process; anteriorly it overlaps the masseter to form the socia parotidis, and just below this its duct, the duct of Stensen, runs forward to pierce the buccinator and open into the mouth opposite the second upper molar tooth. The line of this duct may be marked out by joining the lower margin of the tragus to a point midway between the lower limit of the nose and the mouth. The facial or seventh nerve emerges from the skull at the stylomastoid foramen just in front of the root of the mastoid process; in the parotid gland it forms a network called the pes anserinus, after which it divides into five branches (temporal,zygomatic, buccal, mandibular and cervical) which radiate over the face to supply the muscles of expression.
[modifica] Medicina
[modifica] Chirurgia
La chirurgia estetica è spesso usata per alterare l'aspetto di elementi del viso, che possono essere quasi tutti cambiati nella loro forma.
[modifica] Salute
La salute della pelle del viso passa attraverso la sua pulizia, che previene alcune patologie che la possono interessare.
[modifica] Malattie
- Eritema
- Acne vulgaris
[modifica] Voci correlate
- Trapianto di faccia
- Prosopagnosia